Fantasy Realm Online Forums: Suggestions: Cash shop/stones/gems/costumes:
 Post Date: 2/6/2014 12:50 AM #1 
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Title: Cash shop/stones/gems/costumes

I think the stones are a great item but are WAY too common to find now, i dont even pick them up anymore,  can AFK farm some mobs and find them faster than i could use them. Maybe make them like, 10x rarer ?


As far as gems go though, it might initially strike people as 'p2w' to buy gems. Personally it seemed really expensive for something that can be farmed so quickly (but new people dont know that) 

hope you add more cosmetic items ASAP, and maybe things like 'hometown' resets, name resets.

Sell portable repair packs for gear, maybe auto-consumed food (good for afking) 


 Post Date: 2/6/2014 3:24 AM #2 
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Chris The Avatar

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Title: Re: Cash shop/stones/gems/costumes

We add items to the market place whenever we get a chance. I cannot express enough that none of the items in the market place will ever be pay to win (p2w). Just because you buy gems doesnt give you an unfair advantage against anyone in the game. Anyone can gather gems in game as you have pointed out.  The market place is important in terms for some general resources to players who dont have a lot of time and would rather spen their time in the game crafting over gathering resources. This is also a way for players who want to donate or help fund the game and get something cool in return.

This is what allows the game to be essentially free and us to fund new features such as the dual wielding. Unfortunately not enough players use the market place for it to be truely profitable but it does help the game advance at this point which I am grateful for and I do need to try to reclaim my investiment into the game in some way.

Last Edited: 2/6/2014 3:25 AM

 Post Date: 2/6/2014 5:10 AM #3 
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Title: Re: Cash shop/stones/gems/costumes

Like i said, sometimes just HAVING a market will make people think its P2W. People will look at the market before they play, seeing gold/exp will probably set off alarms too. It is things that are PERCIEVED to be p2w, people who dont give the game a chance to learn otherwise, that is the problem.


In fact, it could be countered just by removing such items from the window, but having an in-game shop where you can access gems (like at a banker or special merchants) That way people wont be immediatly deterred and may only find out about it after they have a better understanding of the game. It cant be stressed enough how many f2p games come out on Steam and the forums are instantly ablaze in a 'p2w' war between newbies and vets.


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