Fantasy Realm Online Forums: Game Discussion: How do you found out about Fantasy Realm?:
 Post Date: 6/18/2013 1:09 AM #1 
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Title: How do you found out about Fantasy Realm?

Hello I would like to know how people found out about this game because when I login there is only 1 or 2 people online and they told me they found out this game in a webpage about online games. I think the game is great but the population is almost dead which is not of much appeal.

I also think we as a community should go out and spread the word about this great game. Go to other forums of similar but worse games and tell people to experience a fresh start in Moon heaven, reccomend our friends and family to play ect so the population can flourish.

 Post Date: 6/18/2013 9:43 AM #2 
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Title: Re: How do you found out about Fantasy Realm?

I found the game at I believe Eppenguar (Darkpenguin) posted there with his review of the game. I have posted there in the past before to try and gather more players - I don't know if there was any success at that.


To be honest this game will attract only certain kinds of players. Most gamers are after graphics etc instead of substance so you can rule out most young players. However those who played ultima online and the likes will probably enjoy this game. Bear in mind with so many games to chose from as well it can be difficult to attract many players at once.


On the point about having 1 or 2 players. In the past I have asked for an indicator saying how many players are playing. I believe Chris has taken this away recently. Also some people don't want to say hello, so the responses might not be true indicator as to how many people are playing. When I play I always say hello to the global chat and reply back, which I think people should be encouraged to do.



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